PCSing to Hawaii
I will Continue to add on to this
Things you defiantly need to take into consideration is that it takes at least 55 days for your HHG to arrive (ours took 53), and 33 days for your car to arrive once you ship it.
We did not have a very good experience with our packers from Rucker. They were not professional, and defiantly took there time. They even told us we needed to buy them lunch "because everyone else does." We did not mind buying the lunch by any means but shouldn't of felt like we had too. I do not like complaining so that will be all I will say about them personally, but defiantly do not feel obligated to buy them lunch it is not your responsibility, and by all means HOVER while they are packing your belongings! You want to make sure you put everything that means something to you on the high value list, because it will help if something gets damaged and you need to file a claim.
When our HHG arrived in Hawaii the movers here were totally awesome! They were super fast and extra nice. When they unpacked our things half of our things were broken because apparently they were not packed properly for shipment. Our desk was in pieces and what looked like someone took a chunk out of it. Our air compressor was stolen. Our Tv stand was barely hanging on with no doors and so much more. To me it is all material things and can be replaced but what bothered me the most was the fact that the antiques we had handed down to us were broken. Thankfully I put them on the high value list, but things like that can never be replaced.
To File a Claim for any HHG that has been damaged MAKE sure you file your claim in 72 hours if not the price of your valuables decreases the longer you wait and you will not receive your full money for them.
When you arrive you will quickly learn that Schofield Barracks is almost always booked. Thank goodness we had a friend who was already in Hawaii to help us out and told us about The Best Western in Honolulu right next to the airport. The hotel does not charge you until you are paid by the ARMY which is ABSOLUTELY awesome! They even give you a 10$ meal ticket for every person in the family to use for either breakfast or dinner. I defiantly would use it for breakfast because their breakfast is Delicious.
We could only ship one vehicle because we did not want to pay out of pocket of the second. Our second day of arriving to Honolulu we talked to a sales consultant at Toyota who was so helpful he even picked us up from the hotel and to our surprise took us to Nissan when we couldn't find anything that worked for us at his store.
Cab Services in Oahu
Charley's* (we used them), EcoCab, TheCAB, Uber, OnCabs Honolulu etc.
When your car does arrive from shipment make sure you get a safety inspection done on it immediately. In Hawaii it is illegal to not have a valid safety inspection sticker on the back of your car. Unfortunately the car shipment company is not the best. Both times we received poor service and the receptionist was very rude so just be aware of that. Our vehicle has scratches and the front bumper was broken so defiantly make sure you inspect everything before you leave!
Also remember if you have guns of any kind you have 72 hrs from when your HHG arrives to register it with the state of Hawaii.
Aloha Y'all,