Tuesday, December 16, 2014


November 21, 2014

  Today was military ball day! I actually had my first aid training all day and was extremely worried I would not have much time go get ready for the ball, luckily for me it all worked out. The instructor let us out about an hour early and I was able to get ready in time. Of course Charlie had all day to prepare himself, and when I came home he was on the couch watching football haha. It ended up I was ready before him, telling him to hurry up.... that does not happen often! 

  We drove to Honolulu where the ball was being held at the Sheraton Waikiki. We were afraid we were going to arrive late thanks to the Hawaiian traffic you will come to love, but actually arrived early before people had started to arrive. Now this was a big relief because Charlie was in charge for our troop of the ball, so he underline HAD to be there early. 

   The night started after cocktail hour we listened to the welcoming, stood for the posting of the colors, listened to the invocation, raised out glasses for the toasts, bowed our heads as they presented the fallen comrade ceremony, laughed as the poured everything into the grog, ate a delicious dinner, watched the cake cutting ceremony, enjoyed the video presentation, listened to the president's remarks, loved the speech by LTG Anthony Crutchfield, clapped for the soldiers that received an award, enjoyed the benediction, stood again as the colors were retired, and ended the night dancing. Who doesn't love a good ball?


Aloha Y'all,

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